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  • Coming to terms with the fact that you or someone you love may have an alcohol problem can be a painful and difficult process. While many people can identify when they are abusing alcohol (e.g. hangovers, issues at work, problems with a loved one as a result of their drinking), they may not necessarily recognize that they are alcoholics. If you or your loved ones are concerned about your drinking, it may be time to ask yourself some important questions as to whether you are exhibiting signs of alcoholism.
  • When a person has a blood alcohol level of 0.36% or above, they could be in danger of overdosing; the person would, in most instances, have to drink anywhere from 13-19 drinks in a rather brief period of time for an overdose to occur.
  • The likelihood of being killed in a single-vehicle crash are increased at a blood alcohol level that a 140-lb. woman would reach after having one drink on an empty stomach.
  • Health care costs attributed to alcohol abuse in 1995 were nearly twice those of drug abuse-related costs ($23 billion vs. $12 billion).

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