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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Amherst, MA. negatively impacts the lives of individuals involved in them daily. Using alcohol in excess is something that has become acceptable in society today. Unknowingly, individuals can become dependent to alcohol over a short period of time and this can cause many problems for themselves and those around them. Abusing alcohol can affect physical health and all areas of a person's life.
An individual may start out using alcohol as a means of escape from some problem or situation in their lives. Someone in Amherst who becomes addicted to alcohol soon finds themselves needing it just to feel normal or physically OK. This is because the individual develops a physical dependence to alcohol over time.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism will little by little destroy a person's life. The individual will make destructive choices, which are all a result of his alcohol use. These choices will ultimately ruin his relationships with others and wreak havoc in his life. Despite this, the individual who chooses to continue drink will pay the ultimate price physically. Alcoholism has the potential to create devastating physical damage with every drink. If an individual in Amherst, Massachusetts is involved in this type of addiction does not get help the price will ultimately be their life. Alcohol addiction and alcoholism will ultimately take a person's life if they don't receive professional help from an Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program.
Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Programs in Amherst are here for individuals who have the courage to confront their addiction and find a solution to it so they can live a happy life. If the individual is allowed to address how and why they became addicted to alcohol in the first place, they will have a much better chance at a lasting recovery.
An Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facility in Amherst, MA. can assist long-time alcoholics through the physical withdrawal and alcohol detoxification so that they can smoothly get through this process. This will ensure that they get started on the vital steps of recovery to follow and don't get hung up while detoxing.
There are many treatment options available for alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Amherst, Massachusetts including Long-term Alcohol Treatment Centers, Outpatient Alcohol Addiction Rehab Centers, Short-term Alcoholism Treatment Centers, Inpatient Alcoholism Rehab Centers, support group meetings, counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Alcoholism Rehabilitation Programs are a ray of hope for someone who has been battling alcohol addiction and alcoholism. Take that first step towards sobriety today and contact an Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program in Amherst to find out which treatment option is best for you.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Amherst, Massachusetts
- Service Net OP Behavioral Center Amherst, MA, 1002
- Psychological Services Center Amherst, MA, 1003
- Cutchins Prog for Children Families Northampton, MA, 1060
- Hairston House Northampton, MA, 1060
- Grace House Northampton, MA, 1060
- Cooley Dickinson Hospital Northampton, MA, 1060
- VA Central Western Massachusetts HCS Leeds, MA, 1053
- Phoenix House TSS Holyoke, MA, 1040
- Gandara Residential Services for Women Holyoke, MA, 1040
- CHD Holyoke, MA, 1040
- Contact Us
- Studies comparing thinking and memory abilities in teens with and without drinking problems have found that remembering information, working with maps or puzzles, and doing mental arithmetic were less accurate in heavy-drinking youth. By interfering with hormone actions, alcohol can alter blood sugar levels and exacerbate or cause diabetes and
- Between 2001-2005 in the U.S., binge drinking was responsible for more than half of the estimated 79,000 deaths and two thirds of the estimated 2.3 million years of potential life lost.
- The Task Force on Community Preventive Services also recommends enhanced enforcement of laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to minors to reduce such sales.
- According to the Task Force of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, despite campus and legislative policy changes that have been implemented by colleges throughout the United States, there has not been any significant change in the amounts of alcohol consumed or patterns of high-risk drinking over the last 20 years.
- AA Meetings in Amherst, MA.
After The 11th Hour Group
Newman Center
Amherst, Massachusetts 1003
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 11:15 AM
Thursday, 11:15 AM
Wednesday, 11:15 AM
Tuesday, 11:15 AM
Monday, 11:15 AM
Amherst Big Book Step Study Group
Immanuel Lutheran Church
867 North Pleasant St.?
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 11:00 AM
Amherst Friday Night Group
S. Congregational Church
1066 S. East St. & Middle St.
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 8:00 PM
Amherst Monday Night
Grace Episcopal Church
14 Boltwood Ave
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 7:00 PM
Making Progress Group
N. Congregational Church
1119 N. Pleasant Street
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 7:30 PM
Pioneer Valley Young Peoples Group
The Mercy House
365 N. Pleasant St.??
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 7:30 PM
Primary Purpose Group
1st Congregational Church
165 Main St.?
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 6:30 PM
Saturday Night Discussion Group
1st Congregational Church
165 Main St.?
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 8:00 PM
Step Study Group
Grace Parish Hall
14 Boltwood Ave?
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 5:15 PM
Sunday Reflections
Newman Center
Amherst, Massachusetts 1003
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 1:00 PM
Up & Atom
Whalen Apts
33 Kellogg Ave.
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 7:00 AM
Sunday, 7:00 AM
Saturday, 7:00 AM
Friday, 7:00 AM
Thursday, 7:00 AM
Wednesday, 7:00 AM
Tuesday, 7:00 AM
Monday, 7:00 AM
Valley Discussion Group
1st Congregational Church
165 Main St.?
Amherst, Massachusetts 1002
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 8:00 PM
- Amherst, MA. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Amherst College- Chapin Hall Room 101
17 Barrett Hill Rd.
Amherst, Massachusetts 01060
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Tue., 7:00 PM
Grace Episcopal Church Parish Hall Enter from Spring St. Park in 1st Congregational Church lot Spring St at Churchill St
14 Boltwood Ave.
Amherst, Massachusetts 01002
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Wed., 4:00 PM
U Mass Campus Center Campus Center
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 12:00 PM
U Mass Campus Center Campus Center Meets Mon & Thu - Check Calendar Near Elevator For Room
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 12:00 PM
For more information, visit