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The number of cases of alcoholism in Hopkinton, Massachusetts has skyrocketed over the last several years because liquor is easy to access and drinking is socially acceptable; having a glass of wine at dinner is a common scenario that has become woven into the fabric of our society in America today.
There are a number of causes that could be related to an alcohol addiction that can include social factors such as peer pressure, environmental factors, or depression, and anxiety; many individuals in Hopkinton, MA. begin using alcohol initially as a means to escape stressful circumstances. When an individual from Hopkinton, MA. picks up their first drink, it is a pretty safe bet that the goal of becoming an alcoholic does not enter their minds.
It is vital for an individual from Hopkinton to seek an Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program at the very first hint of an alcohol addiction problem because of all of the negative effects of alcoholism. The short-term effects of an alcohol addiction have been reported to include memory loss and blackouts; the long-term effects for an individual from Hopkinton that has succumbed to alcoholism many include heart problems, brain damage, digestive problem and potentially fatal liver damage.
An individual in Hopkinton, Massachusetts that is experiencing an alcohol addiction should seek the assistance of an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facility as soon as a drinking problem has been diagnosed. The goal of an Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program is an important one; to help the person from Hopkinton, Massachusetts that is receiving treatment for alcoholism to be able to obtain the tools that they will need to steadily maintain a state of long term abstinence.
The detox process is generally the first component of treatment that is utilized in a Hopkinton Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Facility. When an individual from Hopkinton, Massachusetts that has developed an alcoholism problem stops drinking, he or she will be subject to the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms. The length and severity of these symptoms will depend on the length and severity of the alcohol addiction.
There are many different modalities of alcoholism treatment that are available in Hopkinton for people that are struggling with an alcohol addiction. If a person from Hopkinton refuses to acknowledge their alcoholism problem, the protocol may include an intervention; there is also holistic alcohol addiction rehabilitation, outpatient treatment programs, alcohol counseling, and residential inpatient alcohol addiction rehab treatment just to name a select few.
We make getting help for an alcohol addiction as easy as dialing a toll-free number; our experienced intake counselors are standing by to help you or your loved one in Hopkinton, Massachusetts to have the opportunity to finally be free from alcoholism.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Hopkinton, Massachusetts
- SMOC Hopkinton, MA, 1748
- Bridge of Central Massachusetts Westborough, MA, 1581
- Wayside Youth Family Support Network Milford, MA, 1757
- New England Recovery Center Westborough, MA, 1581
- SMOC Behavioral Healthcare Framingham, MA, 1702
- Genesis Counseling Services Inc Framingham, MA, 1702
- Programs for People Inc Framingham, MA, 1702
- New England Aftercare Ministries Inc Framingham, MA, 1702
- Advocates Inc Marlborough, MA, 1752
- South Middlesex Opportunity Council Marlborough, MA, 1752
- Contact Us
- If someone passes out after drinking alcohol and will not respond to attempts to wake them, it is very possible they are suffering from alcohol poisoning.
- Alcohol can interact with a wide variety of both over-the-counter and prescription medicines.
- Naltrexone is a drug that was approved by the American FDA in 1994 to help alcoholics who want to stop drinking but have trouble with relapse; this drug is reported to work on the endorphin system of the brain and is currently available in 35 countries.
- Brain shrinkage increases with age in everyone, but early decreases seen in alcoholics may make them more vulnerable to cognitive decline and dementia as they grow older.
- AA Meetings in Hopkinton, MA.
Barber Shop
St. John's Evan.
20 Church St.
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 1748
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 8:00 PM
Easier, Softer Way
Congregational Church
146 E. Main St.
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 1748
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Congregational Church
146 E. Main St.
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 1748
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 8:00 PM
- Hopkinton, MA. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
St. Paul's Episcopal Church/Grace Methodist Church
61 Wood St. Route 135
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 7:30 PM
For more information, visit