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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism is a problem for many people in Methuen, MA. Alcohol is a drug, but because of the acceptance of it use and abuse in society it doesn't carry the same negative connotations as do other drugs. Alcohol however can be abused and is extremely addictive. Alcohol addiction and alcoholism have destroyed many lives and individuals suffering from these problems need help and treatment.
Individuals addicted to alcohol in Methuen come up with many excuses to justify their drinking habits and behavior. Some are under the illusion that they can quit whenever they want, or they aren't addicted to alcohol because they don't drink every day. Unfortunately, these are all signs of denial and a true problem exists when alcohol addiction and alcoholism is causing problems in your life and you have no control to stop the abuse of alcohol.
Like other addictive drugs, alcohol addiction and alcoholism can have serious consequences in regards to your physical health, mental well-being and your life in general. It is crucial that someone in Methuen, Massachusetts with an alcohol addiction seek help before it is too late.
Undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Methuen will substantially increase an individual's chances of long-term sobriety. As part of treatment for alcohol addiction and alcoholism, individuals can avail themselves of counseling, peer group support, life skills training and other types of therapy to get to the root of their addiction.
When someone is addicted to alcohol in Methuen, MA. and suddenly stops drinking, they will most likely experience symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal can be difficult to endure without help, another reason why seeking help at an Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program in Methuen is so important. Individuals can be helped through the process of alcohol detox which will prevent complications and reduce the withdrawal symptoms.
Individual needs for alcohol addiction and alcoholism treatment are different. There are several treatment options for individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Methuen, Massachusetts. There are Long-term Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Facilities, Outpatient Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers, Short-term Alcoholism Rehab Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs, support group meetings, alcohol counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
A problem with alcohol addiction or alcoholism doesn't have to cost you or someone you care about their life. Help is available in Methuen, MA. today. Contact a counselor and discover which treatment option will work for you or someone you care about today.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Methuen, Massachusetts
- St. Anns Home and School Methuen, MA, 1844
- Steward Holy Family Hospital Methuen, MA, 1844
- Psychological Center Lawrence, MA, 1841
- Lawrence Comprehensive Treatment Ctr Lawrence, MA, 1841
- Family Continuity Program Inc Lawrence, MA, 1843
- MSPCC Lawrence Office Lawrence, MA, 1843
- NFI Crossroads Residential Program Haverhill, MA, 1835
- Whittier Pavilion Haverhill, MA, 1830
- SBH Haverhill LLC Haverhill, MA, 1830
- Holy Family Hosp at Merrimack Valley Haverhill, MA, 1830
- Contact Us
- Im young. Is drinking really that bad for my health? Yes. Studies have shown that alcohol use by youth and young adults increases the risk of both fatal and nonfatal injuries. Research has also shown that youth who use alcohol before age 15 are five times more likely to become alcohol dependent than adults who begin drinking at age 21. Other consequences of youth alcohol use include increased risky sexual behaviors, poor school performance, and increased risk of suicide and homicide.
- Alcohol dependence seemingly tends to runs in families; it appears that this suggests a genetic cause; however, many things run in families that are not genetic (for example, speaking Spanish).
- Some of the most current government research has shown that women lack a stomach enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase, which usually acts as a protective barrier and acts to break down the alcohol before it is absorbed by the intestines; without the presence of this particular enzyme, alcohol enters a woman's bloodstream in a higher concentration.
- Among those that are intoxicated by alcohol, a common cause of fire is falling asleep or passing out before extinguishing a cigarette.
- AA Meetings in Methuen, MA.
Forest Street Church
Forest Street
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 7:00 PM
Living Sober
Our Lady Of Good Council
22 Plymouth St.
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 6:00 PM
Neutral Attitude
Knight Of Columbus Hall
462 Broadway (bring Own Book)
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 8:30 PM
New Lease On Life
St. Lucy's
Rte. 110
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 10:00 AM
Primary Purpose
Masonic Hall
275 Broadway, Rt 28
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 10:00 AM
Tuesday, 10:00 AM
Thursday, 10:00 AM
Sat-alive Alcohol Only
Holy Family Hosp.
70 East St.
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 8:30 PM
St. Lucy's
Rte. 110
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 7:00 PM
Stars & Stripes-va
251 Causeway St. Rm. 317
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 12:00 PM
Wednesday, 12:00 PM
Friday, 12:00 PM
St. Lucy's
254 Merrimac St.
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 6:30 PM
St. Monica's Sch.
214 Lawrence St.
Methuen, Massachusetts 1844
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 8:00 PM
- Methuen, MA. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
First Congregational Church
26 Pleasant St.
Methuen, Massachusetts 01844
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Sun., 7:00 PM
Tue., 7:30 PM
St. Lucy's Church
254 Merrimac St. Route 110
Methuen, Massachusetts 01844
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Wed., 10:00 AM
For more information, visit