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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Franklin, MA. affects the lives of thousands of people daily. Alcohol abuse is not only accepted in society today, but has become the norm. Unfortunately, 1 out of every 10 people who drinks becomes an alcoholic. Alcohol addiction and alcoholism can greatly impact the physical health and well being of individuals and destroy their hopes and dreams. It is vital that individuals caught up in this type of addiction know that Alcohol Addiction Rehabs are available.
An individual addicted to alcohol in Franklin uses alcohol as a sort of crutch to get by in life. There may be a problem that is weighing on them or they may just need a boost in social situations to feel better about themselves. Whatever the case may be, if alcohol is causing a person problems, but they continue to drink despite this then there is a serious situation that must be addressed.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism causes a person to make destructive choices which have negative impacts on their relationships and makes their problems only worse. Alcoholism has the potential to create devastating physical damage with every drink. If an individual in Franklin, Massachusetts is involved in this type of addiction does not get help the price will ultimately be their life.
Alcoholism Rehab Facilities are available in Franklin to help individuals take the steps needed to get their lives back on track. The chances of someone addicted to alcohol becoming fully rehabilitated are much greater if they address how and why they became addicted in the first place. This is exactly what will take place in an Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program, which it is why it is so important for an alcoholic to seek help instead of trying to quit on their own.
An Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facility in Franklin, MA. supervises long-time alcoholics through the physical withdrawal and alcohol detoxification that they will experience when they quit drinking. The individual will then be able to get started on their next steps of rehabilitation.
There are a variety of treatment options available for alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Franklin, Massachusetts including Long-term Alcohol Abuse Rehab Facilities, Outpatient Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Centers, Short-term Alcohol Abuse Rehab Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Programs, support group meetings, alcoholism counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Treatment is a choice that will better an individual's chances of experiencing a lasting recovery. Make the decision to make a positive change in your life today and contact an Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program in Franklin to find out which treatment option is best for you.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Franklin, Massachusetts
- Arbour Counseling Services Franklin, MA, 2038
- Wayside Youth Family Support Network Milford, MA, 1757
- Steward Good Samaritan NORCAP ATS Foxboro, MA, 2035
- Arbour Fuller Attleboro, MA, 2703
- South Bay Community Services Attleboro, MA, 2703
- Justice Resource Institute Attleboro, MA, 2703
- SMOC Hopkinton, MA, 1748
- Westwood Lodge Hospital Westwood, MA, 2090
- New England Aftercare Ministries Inc Framingham, MA, 1702
- Genesis Counseling Services Inc Framingham, MA, 1702
- Contact Us
- The only way for an individual with an alcoholism problem can achieve a state of long term abstinence, is to face the underlying problems that initially led to the alcohol abuse; these problems can be from an inability to manage stress effectively, unresolved trauma from childhood, depression, anxiety or any number of personal difficulties.
- Alcoholism, also known as "alcohol dependence," is a serious medical situation that includes four symptoms: Craving: A strong need, or compulsion, to drink. Loss of control: The inability to limit one's drinking on any given occasion. Physical dependence: Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, occur when alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy drinking. Tolerance: The need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to "get high."
- Individuals with more muscle are less affected by alcohol because the muscle contains water that absorbs the alcohol from the bloodstream.
- "Social use" of alcohol consists of an occasional drink in the company of friends: a glass of champagne at a wedding, a cold beer after a softball game, or a glass of fine wine with a meal; social drinking has not been shown to kill brain cells, nor is there any research that indicates that occasionally having an alcoholic beverage adversely affects any major body organ.
- AA Meetings in Franklin, MA.
St. John's
237 Pleasant St.
Franklin, Massachusetts 2038
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 7:30 PM
Primary Purpose
New England Chapel
40 Kenwood Circle
Franklin, Massachusetts 2038
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 7:30 PM
St. Johns
237 Pleasant St.
Franklin, Massachusetts 2038
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 8:00 PM
St. John's
237 Pleasant St.
Franklin, Massachusetts 2038
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 8:00 PM
- Franklin, MA. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Dean College Dean Hall Room 203 - parking behind building
99 Main St.
Franklin, Massachusetts 02038
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Wed., 7:30 PM
St. John's Episcopal Church
237 Pleasant St.
Franklin, Massachusetts 02038
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 7:30 PM
For more information, visit