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The number of cases of alcoholism in Concord, Massachusetts has skyrocketed, mainly because liquor is so easy to access and social drinking is increasingly becoming more socially acceptable; having a glass of wine at dinner is a common scenario that has become woven into the fabric of our society in the United States today.
The causes of alcoholism are varied and may include anxiety, depression, peer pressure, childhood trauma or abuse, or several different environmental factors. We can make the reasonable assumption that no one in Concord, MA. picks up their first drink with the goal of becoming an alcoholic. Some people in Concord that suffer from depression may try to medicate by drinking, but because alcohol is a depressant, it will more than likely only make them feel worse.
The reason that it is important to have a sense of urgency in obtaining an Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program is because of the serious risk factors that are reported to be linked to an alcohol addiction. The risk factors of alcoholism include damaging health problems, such as digestive disorders and liver cirrhosis; these sometimes fatal health risks should be reason enough for an individual from Concord, MA. to receive alcohol addiction treatment at the very first indication of a problem
Seeking an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facility is the most viable solution for an individual in Concord, Massachusetts that has been affected by some of the damaging effects of alcoholism. Once an individual from Concord, MA. is willing to admit that they have an alcohol addiction and are open to the rehabilitation process, it is imperative to have a sense of urgency in regard to obtaining alcohol addiction treatment.
The alcohol detox process plays an important role for an individual from Concord that is receiving treatment for an alcohol addiction. The main focus of alcohol detox in Concord is to help ease uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that in some cases can be fatal.
There are many different Alcohol Abuse Rehab Centers that are located in and around Concord, Massachusetts including gender specific support, residential inpatient treatment, holistic alcohol addiction treatment, short term and long term rehabilitation, and outpatient rehabilitation programs, just to name a select few.
Our primary purpose is to be able to assist individuals and their loved ones from Concord, Massachusetts in obtaining a quality Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program so that they will be able to finally overcome their alcohol addiction, once and for all. Dial the toll-free number right now, as the help that you need is just a phone call away!
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Concord, Massachusetts
- Justice Resource Institute Inc Concord, MA, 1742
- McLean Residence at Lincoln Lincoln, MA, 1773
- Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial VA Hosp Bedford, MA, 1730
- Veterans MH and Addiction Programs Bedford, MA, 1730
- Jewish Family and Childrens Services Waltham, MA, 2451
- Lahey Clinic Hospital Burlington, MA, 1805
- Bridgewell Counseling Services Chelmsford, MA, 1824
- Hurley House Waltham, MA, 2454
- Brook Pavillion Annex Waltham, MA, 2452
- McLean Hospital Belmont, MA, 2478
- Contact Us
- Egyptian writings more than four thousand years old include a father's warning to his student son about the danger of drinking too much beer.
- Government statistics reported by SAMSHA state that during 2004, almost 50% of emergency room visits related to patients that were between the ages of 12 to 20 years old involved alcohol abuse.
- An alcoholic will continue to drink despite the negative effects to their health, family, job related or legal problems; the risk for developing alcoholism can be heavily influenced by environmental factors.
- The results of 26 different studies related to stroke risks revealed that consuming alcohol or having an infection, such as the flu, can increase the risk of having a stroke.
- AA Meetings in Concord, MA.
Trinity Church
Rt. 62 & River St.
Concord, Massachusetts 1742
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 8:30 PM
Sun. A.m.
John Cuming Bldg.
Donaldson Rd., 1st Fl.
Concord, Massachusetts 1742
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 9:00 AM
Trinity Church
Rte. 62 &river
Concord, Massachusetts 1742
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 5:30 PM
- Concord, MA. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Concord Police Dept. Front door elevator to right to 3rd fl. Turn left down hall to conference room.
219 Walden St.
Concord, Massachusetts 01742
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Sun., 9:00 AM
Emerson Hospital - John Cummings Bldg 1st floor Donaldson Conference room
Route 2
Concord, Massachusetts 01742
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Sun., 10:30 AM
Trinity Episcopal Church
81 Elm St.
Concord, Massachusetts 01742
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Fri., 10:00 AM
For more information, visit